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This web site was created to show off what the lord has blessed me with which is my pride and joy. My Family!!

Hello all. I am currently a Medical Service Corps Major, in the Army, stationed at the Office of the Surgeon General located in Falls Church Virginia. I am currently doing a Human Resource Management internship that I was selected for last year. We are currently residing in Upper Marlboro, Maryland where we have found a very nice home and neighborhood. As for my personal life I have been married 10 wonderful years. My wife Chyla is an occupational therapist and I have a nine year old son Kai who just started the 4th grade. We also have a 1 year old baby girl named Nevaeh who really has a personality of her own. Last I would like to give thanks to the Lord because without him none of what I spoke about would be possible. My life has been a true blessing.

Here it is another year sneaking by us again. Where has the time gone. Nevaeh will be celebrating her 2 year old birthday and Kai is sneaking up on those teenager years. Well all we can say is that it has been a good ride so far. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hope you enjoy all the new pictures and video.

One last thing in the next few months some of the pages will be changing with more up to date photos. The old ones will be deleted to make room for new ones. So save them to your computer if you want them.